Welcome to the TAPE website at a new host
TAPE – Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe – was a project supported by the European Commission in Brussels in the framework of the Culture 2000 programme from 2005-2008, coordinated by the European Commission for Preservation and Access (ECPA). After discontinuation of the ECPA in 2008 the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) hosted the TAPE website until the end of 2010.
In order to provide continued information on the activities of this audiovisual preservation project, specifically to maintain access to the electronic publications produced by TAPE, the website in its last version was taken over by the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Partner and Leader of Work Package Research Archives within TAPE.
The electronic TAPE publications have been listed in several published and private bibliographies. Therefore it was our foremost aim to transfer the domain “tape-online.net” from Amsterdam to Vienna, in order to keep the original links valid.
We are indebted to the Royal Netherlands Academy for the permission of this transfer and particularly grateful to Anne Muller and Sonja Duijkers for their kind assistance.
Dietrich Schüller and Nadja Wallaszkovits
TAPE (Training for
Audiovisual Preservation in Europe), funded under the Culture
2000 programme of the EU, was a 3-year project for raising awareness
and training by expert meetings, research, publications and
workshops. TAPE focuses on audiovisual collections held outside
the major national institutions with specific responsibilities
for audiovisual heritage. Through a programme of activities
TAPE aims to explore the requirements for continued access to
audiovisual materials and the application of new technologies
for opening up collections that provide living documentation
of the world of the 20th century.
and events (outdated) |
Presentation of audiovisual materials
May 2008
Report of the TAPE Expert Meeting at the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Berlin 24-25 January 2008.
View report >>
Audiovisual research collections and their preservation
2 April 2008
New TAPE report, written by Dietrich Schüller, about the situation of audiovisual research collections and their specific issues. It discusses the particular requirements for access and re-use, focusing on the potential of digitization for creating distributed content-based archives.
View publication (PDF 819 KB)>>
TAPE survey of audiovisual collections in Europe published
3 March 2008
‘Tracking the reel world’ presents the results of a study on audiovisual collections. Based on data collected from hundreds of organizations from all over Europe, most of them archives, libraries, museums (and research) institutes that hold audiovisual recordings as minority collections, this is the first extensive report on preservation and access of sound and moving image materials outside the broadcasting sector and large audiovisual archives.
Read more….
TAPE workshop on the curation and preservation of audiovisual collections, Glasgow, UK
12-16 May 2008
This five-day workshop will provide an intensive grounding in the theory and practice of audiovisual archiving, enabling curators to develop strategies to safeguard their collections. The training will be led by a range of expert film, video and audio curators from across Europe. They will address issues such as the handling and storage of analogue originals, digitisation and restoration, managing digital assets and enabling access and reuse. The workshop is aimed at those responsible for audiovisual collections. As an introductory course it is suited to curators without specialist audiovisual or technical training. The workshop will be conducted in English.
For further information contact Sarah Jones at:
or see: http://www.hatii.arts.gla.ac.uk/news/tape.html
Registration closes on Friday 21st March 2008.
Places are limited so register now to avoid disappointment.
Presentation and access of audiovisual collections
TAPE expert meeting, Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin,
Thursday 24 January 2008
Digitization of collections is usually motivated from the need to increase access and use, but it is not easy to know what users want. Of audiovisual collections in particular, materials have been made accessible in digital format only very recently, and seldom in large quantities, so it is difficult to evaluate even current use – not to mention expectations and interests of the undefined mass of potential users at which institutions can only guess.
At this meeting experts will be discussing issues relating to presentation of audiovisual materials, not only on the web, but also in offline products, exhibits etc. They will discuss the role and tasks of institutions in view of the possibilities the web offers for distributed projects, portals as well as specific contextualized presentations that integrate audiovisual recordings with other materials. The vision of the digital environment as a space for cultural production which re-uses content offered by heritage institutions will also be explored. The meeting will not focus on technical aspects, but on possibilities for cultural institutions to present audiovisual content and create services and products that meet requirements of users today and tomorrow.
The discussants will offer different perspectives, based on their experience with audiovisual materials, as collection managers, in education, or in their own creative work.
Anyone who would like to join the discussion is welcome. Attendance is free but participants will have to register. Read more... (pdf).