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National workshops
Whereas European training courses provide an excellent opportunity to extend the experience of professionals over national boundaries, for many collection managers participation in European events presents serious financial and linguistic obstacles. Combining European and national training courses in one programme makes it possible to involve more participants and results in cross-fertilization that strengthens both lines of activities: European courses offer models and methods for training and provide materials that may inspire participants wishing to organize their own national events, and involvement in national events brings trainers into contact with the cultural and organizational contexts in different countries, which helps to optimize training at European level.

Partners in the TAPE project will each organize at least one national training event, all dealing with practical approaches to preservation and digitization of audiovisual materials. In addition, TAPE will support associate partners to initiate training events, by partnering in the organization, making materials available and assisting with teaching. The work done in Workpackage 2 will be help to shape courses, which will all be introductory and aimed at nonspecialists. The scope, contents and duration of courses will differ so as to meet specific needs at the national level.

Although it is envisaged that foreign experts will be involved to ensure in-depth coverage of all topics and optimal exchange of experience, national courses will in principle rely on trainers from the country/region and be held in the national language. Translation of existing guidelines and course materials developed in the framework of TAPE will where necessary be undertaken by the national organizers.

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration"
Thomas Alva Edison
  National workshops
The Netherlands: 20 september 2007, Amsterdam
Meeting day for institutions with filmcollections and companies who have experiences in film conservation, restoration and digitisation (in Dutch).
Venue: Filmmuseum Amsterdam.
Person to contact: Paula Witkamp
Presentations of the seminar >>

Austria: 12-16 November 2007, Vienna
A 5 days' international training course on preservation and digitisation of audio and video collections (in English).
Venue: Phonogrammarchiv, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Person to contact: Mrs. Li Huang
E: pha@oeaw.ac.at
See also: the announcement, registrationform and the draft programme.



As TAPE aims to encourage activities beyond the scope of the project and to create a lasting network for training, an additional aim of organizing national events is to mobilize training resources in a country/region. By encouraging those with substantial professional experience in managing audiovisual collections to act as trainers and thus transfer their knowledge a training network will be developed for future activities.