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  Book title European film heritage on the threshold of the digital era, the FIRST project's final report: conclusions - guidelines - recommendations
  Place of publication Brussels
  Year of publication 2004
  Publisher Royal Film Archive
  Pages 48
  Language English
  Abstract This report contains the findings and the results of the work carried out in the past two years by the FIRST Project, its partners and all the individuals and bodies who contributed by participating in FIRST's several Symposia and Workshops held in the EU and in the US, and in the debates arising from those events. The report is published as a booklet, that contains the Executive Summary only, and has a CD-ROM attached to it. The CD-ROM contains the full length Reports, as prepared by FIRST's Workgroups. These reports present in further detail the content of the Guidelines and the Recommendations, and offer an insight into a number of issues that are only sketched out or briefly addressed by the Executive Summary.

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